“Winter in New Zealand-A Study in Tranquility”
Gallery Exhibition
YJ Contemporary Fine Art
Opening May 18, 2020

“The beautiful, long exposure landscapes captured on New Zealand’s South Island in Winter are more than just pretty pictures.These images speak to your heart, stir emotions and beg for contemplation.Captured with the Phase One Medium Format Camera System, these 151-megapixel files maintain their resolution when printed large-allowing the viewer to be fully immersed in a quiet world where introspection soon follows.The first gallery showing of this limited-edition collection is an exclusive opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty of New Zealand.Dye Sublimation onto aluminum with a matte finish presents the fine art collection in a different light.The finish does not compete with the images, there are no distractions.This is in many ways “old school”-letting the image shine on its own.
During these unprecedented times, Covid-19 has disrupted lives and livelihoods around the world.Our food banks have been overstretched by the massive increase in demand.David is donating 15% of the profits of this show to Feeding America’s Covid-19 Response Fund, a non-profit nationwide network of 200 food banks leading the fight against hunger in the United States, providing food through 60,000 food pantries.This organization has been vetted by GlobalGiving and has been given “partner” status, receiving a 4 out of 4 stars from Charity Navigator.We can make a difference, together.
Join us in viewing the exhibition either at the gallery or by clicking here: https://www.yjcontemporary.com/artists/david-shedlarz